
Little Things Do Matter Laurie Smale Quote1200AC x 1200 - 1

Quote Little Things Do Matter

Quote Little Things Do Matter By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Little things do matter for even the smallest act of thoughtfulness can make a world of difference” Laurie Smale, Inspirational Speaker and Author – “Finding Me Finding You” 🦋 #quotes #lauriesmale #findingmefindingyou #thoughtfulness #littlethingsmatter Shared Online Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile Google Instagram LinkedIn Page […]

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A Dream Come True Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute A Dream Come True

Magic Minute A Dream Come True By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // “Don’t let go!” 10-year-old Sienna yelled as I ran alongside her bike holding on for dear life! I was soon tired out and had to take a breather, but Sienna wanted to keep going. ‘There’s got to be an easier way to do

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The True Value Of Your Self-Worth Laurie Smale Quote

Quote The True Value Of Your Self-Worth

Quote The True Value Of Your Self-Worth By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “The true value of your self-worth comes from the precious learnings life has gifted you and your acceptance of the things you’re now good at.” Laurie Smale, Author – How to be a Conversational Success! 💬 #quotes #lauriesmale #howtobeaconversationalsuccess #self-worth #learningfromlife Shared Online

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Magic Minute - Loving Words - an uplifting story to brighten up your day! Laurie Smale🪄

Magic Minute Loving Words

Magic Minute Loving Words By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // “I really hate you!” 13-year-old Heather screamed at her mother and slammed her bedroom door. That night while she fitfully slept, her mother passed away. A grief- stricken Heather found this precious letter in her mother’s belongings: Dearest Heather, Mummy has been sick for a

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Control The Choices You Make Laurie Smale Quote

Quote Control The Choices You Make

Quote Control The Choices You Make By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Control the choices you make; never let yourself be railroaded into some half-baked situation you’re not comfortable with” 🦋 Laurie Smale, Inspirational Speaker, speaking coach and Author – “Finding Me Finding You” #quotes #lauriesmale #choicesyoumake #findingmefindingyou Shared Online Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile Google

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Consign A Bad Experience Laurie Smale Quote

Quote Consign A Bad Experience

Quote Consign A Bad Experience By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Consign a bad experience to its historical time-slot so distance can help you see things in a more knowing light” 🦋 Laurie Smale, Inspirational Speaker and Author – “Finding Me Finding You” #quotes #lauriesmale #findingmefindingyou #badexperience Shared Online Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile Google Instagram

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