MAGIC MINUTE // Some of our memories aren’t that big a deal now, but at the time they were.
It was around 1957 in grade 4 in old Dixon’s Class; a dour old Scotsman who found it hard to see the funny side of anything.
It was a roasting hot day with the temperature around 38° and we’d just come in from lunch.
My brother Brian decided to take his shirt off and was cooly sitting there in his singlet.
Old Dixon took one look at him and yelled, “Who do you think you are!?”
“Uh, I’m Brian Smale sir.” The class roared with laughter.
“Come out here!” Old Dixon screamed.
And Brian set forth for a dose of his leather strap which was a badge of honor in those days… but it still hurt.
I guess you had to be there!
I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute. 🪄
#lauriesmale #lauriesmalemagicminute #youhadtobethere
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