
What's In A Biscuit? Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute What’s In A Biscuit?

Magic Minute What’s In A Biscuit? By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // Ever wondered what’s really in your favorite biscuits? Well, I found this out in a roundabout way. When I was 15 I remember seeing scores of large Drums of freshly rendered white animal fat while visiting a meat works. 10 years later my […]

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Trustworthy Advice? Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice?

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice? By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // A young teacher we’ll call Sally, once ran an exciting idea for her part in a conference past a more experienced colleague who also shared a segment at this event. Now, Sally was tentative in seeking this person’s advice for she was known as a

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Conversation Success! Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Conversation Success!

Magic Minute Conversation Success! By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // I once asked a gentleman what keeps him busy and he said, “I’m with the CSIRO working on a project categorizing frogs.” Now over the years I’ve learned to trust my mind to activate ideas stored in my subconscious just waiting their turn. “Aren’t frogs

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