Trustworthy Advice? Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice?

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice?

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // A young teacher we’ll call Sally, once ran an exciting idea for her part in a conference past a more experienced colleague who also shared a segment at this event.

Now, Sally was tentative in seeking this person’s advice for she was known as a bit of a bossy boots.

But Sally was more than confident with this novel idea because it worked so well in her classroom.

“Oh, I wouldn’t do that!” Her counterpart declared. “That wouldn’t work at all.”

So Sally had to fall back on her lethargic list of bullet points to convey her message.

At the conference this colleague not only stole Sally’s idea, she did so to great acclaim!

Sally vows never again will she run an idea past some forthright person for their approval.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice?

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