
A Brave Act Of Kindness Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute A Brave Act Of Kindness

Magic Minute A Brave Act Of Kindness By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // It was the piteous cries that disturbed 8-year-old Margaret the most. She knew that little Tommy with his white hair and dark glasses had some sort of sickness, but strapping him out the front each day because he couldn’t do his homework […]

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Nuggets in The Chicken Shed Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Nuggets In The Chicken Shed

Magic Minute Nuggets In The Chicken Shed By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // When I was a mischievous 5-year-old I couldn’t believe what I was seeing in Edie Davidson’s chicken shed. ‘Could this really be true?’ I thought, and quickly undid the latch to get a closer look. And sure enough, there they were, a

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Magic Minute Getting You Right First

Magic Minute Getting You Right First By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // For decades my awful insecurities haunted me. Growing up in a tiny country house in the 1950s with no running water or electricity made it tough for my widowed mum trying to manage five unruly kids. At thirteen the sheer torment of maths

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Magic Minute A Lucky Break

Magic Minute A Lucky Break By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // Do we really know what our kids get up to when our backs are turned? Not long back my neighbour was telling me about the time her seven-year-old son Callum received a hairline fracture to his arm and had to have the whole thing

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Dr Michael Mosley's Legacy Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Dr Michael Mosley’s Legacy

Magic Minute Dr Michael Mosley’s Legacy By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // The untimely death of Dr Michael Mosley while out walking on a Greek island left millions of his admirers in shock. This likeable TV presenter charmed his way into our hearts with his homely approach to our well-being and general health for years.

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Magic Minute Try A Little Kindness

Magic Minute Try A Little Kindness By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // Being kind to young folk doing their best shouldn’t be hard. I recently overheard a lady placing an order at a fast food drive-thru. “I’ll have two free senior coffees” she said. “Large!” “I’m sorry,” said the teenager. “The senior coffees only come

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Magic Minute Train Drivers & Surgeons?

Magic Minute Train Drivers & Surgeons?

Magic Minute Train Drivers & Surgeons? By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // What have train drivers and surgeons got in common? Well, on a recent train trip to picturesque Williamstown with an avid train enthusiast, something happened. On our arrival my friend said, “Let’s see if we can catch a word with the driver before

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Following Your Dream Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Following Your Dream

Magic Minute Following Your Dream By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE //Leanne simply couldn’t believe it. The powers that be had rejected her fervent desire to become a physiotherapist. They’d somehow deemed she simply didn’t have what it takes. But she knew different and was determined to follow her dream whatever the obstacles in her way.

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Explaining It Simply Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Explaining It Simply

Magic Minute Explaining It Simply By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // “Ever wonder what the term antioxidants in the food we eat means? Well I have! Till I heard Dr Norman Swan’s simple explanation on his ABC Health Report. Put simply, antioxidant means anti-rusting. Just like we see old iron rusting away in nature, the

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Smiling Magic

Magic Minute Smiling Magic

Magic Minute Smiling Magic By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // “Barely 5 weeks old my tiny grandson Vincent gave his proud Granddad a wonderful captivating smile which filled me with joy. In contrast, I often come across a wizened old Chinese lady shuffling along with her walker on my Sunday walks. I’d say she’s in

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