
Magic Minute Endless Love

Magic Minute Endless Love By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // On Sammy J’s Breakfast Show a lady rang in with an incredible story. Her little Shi-Tzu dog had simply vanished. Broken hearted, they posted signs far and wide and searched everywhere. But nothing. Ten long years went by and their beloved little dog became a […]

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Beware The Giver of Emphatic Advice Laurie Smale Quote

Quote Beware The Giver of Emphatic Advice

Quote Beware The Giver of Emphatic Advice By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Beware the giver of emphatic advice that doesn’t ring true – then listen to what your heart says!” Laurie Smale, Master Speaking Coach and Author – Finding Me Finding You🦋 #quotes #lauriesmale #findingmefindingyou #advice #ringtrue #listentoyourheart Shared online: Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile

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Magic Minute What’s In A Biscuit?

Magic Minute What’s In A Biscuit? By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // Ever wondered what’s really in your favorite biscuits? Well, I found this out in a roundabout way. When I was 15 I remember seeing scores of large Drums of freshly rendered white animal fat while visiting a meat works. 10 years later my

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Breathe Life Into Your Talks Laurie Smale Quote

Quote Breathe Life Into Your Talks

Quote Breathe Life Into Your Talks By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Breathe life into your talks by having your listeners eavesdrop on a replay of what was thought, said, and happened!” Laurie Smale, Master Speaking Coach and Author – How to take the Panic out of Public Speaking 🎤 #quotes #lauriesmale #publicspeakinghelp #eavesdrop Shared online:

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Trustworthy Advice? Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice?

Magic Minute Trustworthy Advice? By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // A young teacher we’ll call Sally, once ran an exciting idea for her part in a conference past a more experienced colleague who also shared a segment at this event. Now, Sally was tentative in seeking this person’s advice for she was known as a

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Quote ‘Sorry’ Might Be The Hardest Word

Quote ‘Sorry’ Might Be The Hardest Word By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “‘Sorry’ might be the hardest word, but without it, the painful things you didn’t mean to say are all they’re left with” Laurie Smale, Master Speaking Coach and Author – How to be a Conversational Success! 💬 #quotes #lauriesmale #conversationsuccess #hardestword #sayingsorry Shared

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Conversation Success! Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Conversation Success!

Magic Minute Conversation Success! By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // I once asked a gentleman what keeps him busy and he said, “I’m with the CSIRO working on a project categorizing frogs.” Now over the years I’ve learned to trust my mind to activate ideas stored in my subconscious just waiting their turn. “Aren’t frogs

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None Of Us Is Above The Rest Laurie Smale Quote

Quote None Of Us Are Above The Rest

Quote None Of Us Are Above The Rest By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “None of us are above the rest. At midday all our shadows are the same” Laurie Smale, Master Speaking Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Author – “Finding Me Finding You” 🦋 #quotes #lauriesmale #findingmefindingyou #abovetherest Shared online: Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile Google

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Magic Minute No More Bullying!

Magic Minute No More Bullying! By Laurie Smale MAGIC MINUTE // Bullied by the same bunch of cruel kids in primary school and secondary school the die was cast. Bill would go on doubting himself and be browbeaten and humiliated from then on. Years later the crunch came when a top executive instructed him to

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Quote Audiences Appreciate a Taste

Quote Audiences Appreciate a Taste By Laurie Smale QUOTE // “Audiences appreciate a taste of your vulnerabilities for it warms them to you and what you are saying” Laurie Smale, Author – How to take the Panic out of Public Speaking 🎤 #quotes #lauriesmale #panicfreepublicspeaking #vulnerabilities Shared online: Archive.org Facebook Page Facebook Profile Google Instagram

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