Don't Push Your Luck! Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Don’t Push Your Luck!

Magic Minute Don’t Push Your Luck!

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // Mushrooming with my brothers, we came across a magnificent but very deadly Copperhead snake curled up in the sun, his body nearly as thick as my 9-year-old legs.

Mesmerized by the golden glow of his burnished body, I did the dumbest thing imaginable.

I pushed my heavy steel basket down on top of him!

And to escape, he wrapped his tail around my ankle and began to lever himself out!

So from pleasantly gathering mushrooms, I was fighting for my life!

“Hurry up!” I screamed to my brothers. “Go and get that stick! His head’s nearly out!

Then the basket shifted and he got free.

‘This is it,” I thought. ‘I’m done for!’

But it was just as scared as me and took off into the bracken fern.

So why push your luck?

Leave well enough alone and go on your merry way.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

#magicminute #lauriesmale #lauriesmalemagicminute #leavewellenoughalone #copperhead #mushrooming #pushyourluck

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute Don’t Push Your Luck!

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