The Italian Islanders

Magic Minute The Italian Islanders

Magic Minute The Italian Islanders

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // When I first heard the term ‘Italian Islanders’ I thought, “Italian what?”

But later discovered there is such a proud body of Italians who live on a picturesque volcanic archipelago in the Terranean Sea north of Sicily who consider their Aeolian Islands some of Italy’s greatest natural and cultural treasures.

I learned of this while teaching a group of Australian-Aeolian descendants of the richness’s between the Italian language and their own native Aeolian dialects.

Strange, because I’m not Italian I’m Australian.

But my payoff is enriching too.

Fate had me working alongside their humble immigrant forbears in factories as a wide eyed lad eager to learn about the world.

But they taught me about life!

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute The Italian Islanders

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