Pride and Self Assurance Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Pride and Self Assurance

Magic Minute Pride and Self Assurance

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // Pride and Self Assurance – Who are we not to feel proud of who we are and what we’ve achieved?

I once fell into pleasant conversation with a self assured woman and when I asked, “What keeps you busy?” Her response was telling.

“Till now I’ve been managing a household and bringing up three children of which I’m very proud. I’m now ready to expand on this.”

I was impressed with the pride in herself and her achievements for often the response would be, “I’m just a housewife” or “I’m just this that or the other.”

That little word ‘just’ degrades the work we do, for whatever it is, there’s genuine value in there.

So take some time to reflect on the real worth in the daily things that keep you busy.

I’m Laurie Smale. Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

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