Mind-Expanding Wonders Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Mind-Expanding Wonders

Magic Minute Mind-Expanding Wonders

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // I can’t remember my mother ever reading us kids a story, so we had little appreciation of the wonders between the pages of a book.

But I did catch a glimpse of these wonders in grade three where I’d seek out a well-worn book about the Pawnee Indians.

Being my first attempt at reading, I’d savour each sentence by visualizing what was going on… like making themselves invisible in the long prairie grass.

How I longed to be with them!

And this scruffy old book just lay there waiting for me.

I could only handle a few sentences, but that was fine, for I’d be wandering the Prairie with my Indian friends.

But it kept the weak flame of book appreciation flickering till I was ready to set it a blaze 14 years later.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute. 🪄

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute Mind-Expanding Wonders

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