Lost And Found Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Lost And Found

Magic Minute Lost And Found

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // Abandoned by his mother when he was three and disowned by a gambling father, 15-year-old James just wandered the streets a lost, lonely soul.

But he found happiness in the company of old Effie Maloney.

“She makes me feel special,” James said.

For all he knew was someone she loved broke her heart.

Gradually 75-year-old Effie became the loving parent James never had.

Years later his beloved Effie showed signs of dementia so now it was James’s turn to look after her.

Till one day she quietly slipped away with her loving son by her side.

Now a proud engineer, James owes it all to Effie Maloney who will ever be a part of his heart.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

#magicminute #lauriesmale #findinghappiness #lostandfound

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute Lost and Found

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