Magic Minute “I Can’t! ” “Now I Can!!”
MAGIC MINUTE // From Humble Village to high status as government official, this brave New Guinean woman now had to speak out…
And she was terrified! Desperate for help, she flew to Melbourne to overcome her fear and go from “I can’t” to “I now can.”
Our coaching session finished, I got an idea.
“Would you like to join me and a group of friends for dinner?
You could give a little talk on why you’re here; what happened today; and where to from here.”
Lucy warmed to this chance to speak and my introduction set the scene nicely.
We just loved her moving story of courage and change.
Full of confidence Lucy flew back to New Guinea eager to begin this next phase of her fascinating journey.
I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄