Another Language Broadens Your Mind Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute Another Language Broadens Your Mind

Magic Minute Another Language Broadens Your Mind

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // “Why don’t you speak English?” and “Go back where you come from!” was the awful way newcomers were treated in 1960s Australia.

Working in an Italian glass factory as a poorly educated 14-year-old opened my eyes to the truth.

I eagerly soaked in their language, their culture, and their kindness.

And in studying Italian I gained a better understanding of my own English!

My Italian still has Italians guessing for it’s flavored with the way I think as an Australian.

Not long back a fluent Italian speaker said to me, “Che bel accento e giro di parole hai” (“What a lovely accent and turn a phrase you have”) which made me feel good.

So learning another language broadens our view of the world because the thoughts and feelings we all Express are the same – only the words are different.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute. 🪄

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute Another Language Broadens Your Mind

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