A Lucky Break Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute A Lucky Break

Magic Minute A Lucky Break

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // Do we really know what our kids get up to when our backs are turned?

Not long back my neighbour was telling me about the time her seven-year-old son Callum received a hairline fracture to his arm and had to have the whole thing in plaster, which he wasn’t happy about.

“What actually happened?” She’d asked him expecting an everyday mishap.

“Oh, the whole gang was racing along the backyard fences and neighborhood shed roofs and I was in front! He proudly proclaimed. “Then we got to the last roof and I fell off – but I still came in second!”

Another neighbour verified these goings-on for he’d surprised a group of kids scampering over his back fence and across his shed at breakneck speed.

As the ears go by, I learn more and more of what our neighborhood kids were really up to.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

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