A Brave Act Of Kindness Laurie Smale Magic Minute

Magic Minute A Brave Act Of Kindness

Magic Minute A Brave Act Of Kindness

By Laurie Smale

MAGIC MINUTE // It was the piteous cries that disturbed 8-year-old Margaret the most.

She knew that little Tommy with his white hair and dark glasses had some sort of sickness, but strapping him out the front each day because he couldn’t do his homework was very wrong!

One day she bravely took herself to the principal’s office to report these daily beatings – and was promptly marched back to the classroom and upbraided in front of the whole class for being a busy body.

And as further humiliating punishment she was made to sit down the front with Tommy, which, Margaret said, was the best thing that could have happened for now I could help him with his work – and the awful beatings stopped.

From that moment on Margaret dedicated her life to helping those less fortunate than herself.

I’m Laurie Smale… Till my next Magic Minute 🪄

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Laurie Smale Magic Minute A Brave Act Of Kindness

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